What do you want out of life? What are your hopes and dreams? What do you hope to accomplish?
We all have things that we hope for in life and sometimes achieving them feels like trying to catch a feather during a wind storm - it floats quickly by as we try to grab it yet it sweeps right past us and slips through our fingers!
Do you ever feel like the horse chasing the carrot which is hanging an arm's length ahead on a pole and never meant to be "had." Constantly pushing, striving, straining, working yet frustrated and not making any progress. Two steps forward and three steps back? The harder you strive - the more you sink . . . Like being sunk in a mire and bog - like quicksand - the more you flail, the faster you sink.
Have you ever thought to create a Vision Board?
In businesses, we create strategic business plans and set numerical goals and an action plan on how we intend to achieve it.
A vision board is image driven. It contains the images that your heart desires and pictures the very goals that you hope to achieve.
An image board helps the mind to capture the essence of what you want to achieve and what drives and motivates YOU!
It's an overarching theme to your life story - it combines your essence with your thoughts about growth, development, dreams and visions for the future!
Never stop dreaming - dreaming captures your hope for life and for the future. You can dream well into your maturity and later years. My grandfather had a dream of learning about computers and fitting into the technology age. He not only learned about computers, he studied them, practiced on them, got his hands dirty, and finally started building them! He did such a fantastic job building computers that people started coming to him to build them a computer from scratch. He had a dream, he worked diligently for it, studied it, worked on it, perfected it and accomplished that goal and dream. So he didn't stop there - he started another dream. It focused on a completely different dream - to build model airplanes! He repeated the same process and perfected that. You're never too old to dream!
For new year's day, I bought two (2) poster boards and several magazines of different genres along with several glue sticks and scissors.
My son and I each made our own vision boards. I set out some fun snacks - we played upbeat music in the background and prayed over our vision boards before getting started. We slowly went the magazines and started clipping out the pictures that represented what we wanted out of 2019.
We laughed and chatted - it was hilarious some of pictures that we chose! I chose a picture of Pink the singer and her husband going down a roller coaster with their hands thrown high in the air. For me if represented letting go of control and having a blast! I do a good roller coaster for sure!
My son, NT, chose several photos representing increased health, exercise, eating healthy foods, adventure and more! Ironically our goals were very similar.
On mine I put a house as I want a house to entertain and one that my kids and I can feel comfortable enjoying together.
Last year I completed so many of my goals and "visions" for 2018 by simply putting them on the board, praying over them, visualizing them, and thereby bringing them fruition.
Some throw "Vision Board" parties and serve snacks with champagne and offer stations filled with glitter, streamers, glitter glue, markers, paints, fabrics, embossing tools, and more. Make it as simple or as vibrant as you want . . Just Do It and then reconvene in December of 2019 to revisit what goals were achieved.
Dream It. Visualize It. Design It. Post It. Meditate on It. Achieve It.
You. Got. This.
I believe in you!