The month of February has long been celebrated as a month of love, according to the History Channel’s blog on Valentine’s Day. St. Valentine’s Day has roots in both the Christian and Roman traditions.
Three different saints are believed to be Valentinus or St. Valentine. Some believe he was a saint who performed secret marriages for young lovers in the 3rd Century in direct violation of the edicts of Emperor Claudius of Rome who outlawed marriage for young soldiers.
Regardless of its beginnings and history, Valentine’s Day represents LOVE.
The English word for “Love” is broad, can be confusing, and leaves much open to interpretation and must be interpreted using context.
The Greeks were highly intellectual and thus had eight (8) words or definitions for the same word that we call “Love.” They were less broad and left less open to interpretation. Click here to see all interpretations of the word LOVE by the Greeks.
The main three (3) words by the Greeks: Agape, Phileo/Philia, and Eros all have very different meanings.
1. Phileo/Philia means brotherly (or sisterly) Love; Platonic.
2. Agape means universal or self-less; unconditional Love.
3. Eros refers to sexual love.
Eros was the focus of the Troubadours in the 11th Century or classical period who were the “crooners” of their time, traveling to the various courts and castles throughout Europe, telling stories and singing melodious ballads to entertain, romance and “inspire” Love. Their stories were chivalrous in nature and were either metaphysical, intellectual, or formulaic. Regardless, they entertained the courts of Europe and sung “Love Songs.”
LOVE is the basis for all humanity and makes hope exist. It propels us forward and connects us all. In the Bible it says, “Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34) It’s obviously not talking about Eros love as God wouldn’t have commanded us to EROS everyone, but rather it’s referring to an Agape Love (self-less, unconditional) and at the very least a Phileo Love.
The song, “All You Need is Love” by the Beatles comes to mind. They harmonized in their rich, melodious voices,
“It's easy. There's nothing you can make that can't be made. No one you can save that can't be saved. Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time, it's easy.
All you need is love, all you need is love, All you need is love, love, love is all you need. Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love.”
(Me with my three "loves")
It is easy to love, but are we willing to try? To be truly loved we must let down our guard, take down the fortresses and strongholds, forgive, accept, and allow Love to penetrate our souls. It requires vulnerability and transparency which is the most challenging aspect.
Before we can love others, we must choose to love ourselves which is also known as self-care. Many people compare it to putting the oxygen mask on yourself in the airplane before trying to help others. If you’re not healthy and taking care of or loving yourself . . . how can you possibly expect to love others? Ask yourself - do you affirm yourself each morning and speak positively about yourself? Do you practice self-care and take time for yourself?
I genuinely love people and by that I mean Agape or Phileo/Philia, but I'm not a people pleaser. I love people and find humanity intriguing, compelling, interesting, and respect and appreciate the various nuances, opinions, attributes and talents that we were all uniquely given and exhibit or manifest. The human experience, while painful at times, can also be rewarding, an adventure, complex, gratifying, beautiful, and enriching. The more I embrace it the more I learn from it. It teaches me empathy and compassion while slowly whittling away my selfishness – turning my focus from inward to outward.
Yes, I have had my heart broken, been hurt by others, humbled, trampled on, disregarded, gossiped about, disrespected and not treated right . . . we all have; accept it, process it, forgive, and move on! It doesn’t feel good; it never will. However, we can choose how we react and we can choose to forgive, bless, heal and love regardless of what’s been done to us. I refuse to let these negative emotions stall my destiny or inhibit my own personal growth or determine how I will treat others. Transcend, rise above, lead by example and flip the paradigm – treat others how you would like to be treated and you’ll be blessed and propelled forward.
So I embrace this day because I choose to LOVE others (Agape/Phileo) and this day represents all that is good in this world and in people – the basis for our connection is LOVE.
It’s been a joy, today, to see everyone smiling and telling each other “Happy Valentine’s Day!” regardless of their relationship status, religion, or political affiliation. Embrace it; Accept it; and Pay it Forward!
Reach out and tell someone you love them . . send a text, make a phone call, pen a letter, send a card, type an email; buy some flowers, give a hug, or simply communicate LOVE with a Smile. Let someone know they are loved and someone cares for them; it’s what makes the world go round, propels us forward, and reverberates throughout history.
You are LOVED.