My oldest daughter is the first grandchild of the family and when she was almost two years old she became aware of the idea of Christmas and gifts and quickly picked up the skill set of unwrapping gifts. Since she was the first grandchild she was spoiled with so many presents that halfway through Christmas morning she stopped . . . looked over at the new toys that she had just unwrapped and then looked over to the large pile of unwrapped presents that remained unopened for her and she quickly became overwhelmed. She just stopped midstream and refused to open any more gifts. I was at a loss as I didn’t want to offend the gift givers and appreciated their generosity, but she was “stick me with a fork” DONE!
Many times our children receive toys and gadgets that are played with for a couple of days or even hours and lose their luster as quickly as the pine needles on the Christmas tree turn brown and drop to the floor. Many of the toys are entertaining at best and provide little educational value, so why do we continue to buy so many – filling up the undergird of the tree with expensive gifts that lack in value and meaning?
So what about picking a “theme” for holiday gifts – a theme that sparks creativity and educates?
One year I decided upon a musical instrument theme and wrapped up horns, child drum set, cymbals, flute, etc.
Musical instruments spark creativity, stimulate the brain, and provide therapy for the children – albeit driving their parents crazy! (Stocking Stuffer Idea for You & Your Spouse – A pair of noise cancelling headsets).
Another “theme” gift idea is to give each child a blank canvas with paints, unpainted mug, paintable iPhone case (can be purchased at Charming Charlie’s), blank journal book – encourage your children to treat each new year as a “new beginning” and the start of a new adventure! Something to approach with childlike expectation about the exciting events that will happen to them as opposed to something to be dreaded . . . this is a dysfunctional learned behavior and let’s commit to speaking positively about the start of the new year. Write a meaningful note to each child applauding their accomplishments from the past year (never the negative), reassuring them of your love, and cheering them on about the coming new year!
Encourage your children to paint, pen, or color their positive expectations and outlook onto the blank canvas, mug, paper . . . while dating each one. How precious for them to be able to reflect back when they are 20, 30, 40 and remember their childlike expectation and excitement!
Is it still OK to buy them the Star Wars figurine or race car set? Of course, but make those gifts the minority. Most likely your children won’t remember them in the future – but they’ll remember the drum set or treasure the picture they painted on the canvas.
Making their gift meaningful and following a theme will create a memorable season that they will treasure – the blank page on a new year filled with hope, wonder and promise.